Friday, April 15, 2005

Not Too Caulkamole Guacamole

My Favorite Guacamole

6 avocados (Haas, giving but not mushy)
1 clove of garlic, minced (roasted gives a nice flavor)
¼ cup of red salsa (Timpone's, is good also Joe T Garcia's or your own homemade)
cilantro to taste, NO STEMS
1 roma tomato, diced
1 medium yellow or white onion , diced
1 dash kosher salt
juice of 2 small juicy limes
½ of a jalapeno (diced, remove seeds and veins for less heat, can be roasted)

Grab a medium-large bowl.
Seed the avocados and put the avocado flesh in the bowl.
Mash the avocado into big chunks with a fork or the side of a wooden
Add the rest of the ingredients.

Gently fold the ingredients together with the occasional mashing. The goal is not to make avocado cream cheese like some stores will sell you. If you want this, go to Taco Bell where you can get the guacamole out of a caulk gun (caulkamole). I try for delicious chunks!

SOme might want to try: More lime juice, cilantro, roasted serrano chiles (instead of jalapenos), more fresh tomatoes, dashes of Tabasco or Arizona Gunslinger, a pinch of cumin, cayenne or sugar.

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